Yoga For Lower Back Pain

by | Feb 17, 2024 | Yoga for Health

Yoga for lower back pain

Yoga for lower back pain and Emotions: How Yoga Can Help

Lower back pain is the most common health problem affecting millions worldwide. Many factors can cause it, such as physical injuries, poor posture, and a sedentary lifestyle. However, did you know that your emotions can also trigger lower back pain? That’s right; your mental and emotional state can impact your physical health more than you realize. In this blog, you will learn about the connection between emotions and lower back pain and why it’s crucial to understand this relationship. So, let’s get started.


Lower back pain has commonly become a large-scale problem affecting people of all ages and genders. It can range from mild/acute discomfort to severe pain and significantly impact a person’s quality of life. While physical factors such as posture and injury are well-known causes of lower back pain, many people overlook the role of emotions in this condition. However, research has shown that stress, Anxiety, depression, and other emotional factors can lead to lower back pain.

Understanding the Mind-Body Connection

Do you know the human body is a complex system with interconnected and interdependent parts? Unsurprisingly, the state of your mind and emotions can affect your physical health. In the medical and wellness communities, the concept of the mind-body connection has gained popularity. This idea suggests that mental and emotional states can influence physical health and vice versa. This connection is not limited to lower back pain but can impact many other health issues.

The Link Between Emotions and Lower Back Pain

Several emotions can lead to lower back pain. Let’s explore some of them in detail:

In the yogic system, we say that everything is energy, which also signals that all these emotions that rise within us are a form of energy. Hence, any triggering emotion can be considered as energy rising within us. Thus, whenever you feel these intense feelings, channeling them becomes essential because the law of energy says: neither be created nor be destroyed but only transformed. So, if the transformation does not happen, this energy will start moving around to look for a space to settle down.

Most likely to get settled down in the lumber areas where the sacral chakra is located.

Over time, this chronic stress can lead to tension and tightness in the lower back muscles, resulting in pain and discomfort.

Physiologically, whenever we experience stress, our nervous system switches our bodies into a response called fight or flight mode, which releases hormones that increase our heart rate and blood pressure. i.e., expecting us to react or respond. Here, intense physical activity is required. If it does not happen, then emotions such as Anxiety and fear can also contribute to lower back pain by causing us to tense up and hold our bodies in hypervigilance.

Similarly, anger and frustration can manifest physically as tension in the lower back muscles. When angry or frustrated, we may hold ourselves in a rigid, tense posture that can contribute to pain and discomfort.

Eventually, we withdraw and become less active. Lack of movement and physical activity can weaken the lower back muscles, making us more prone to pain and injury.

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and Anxiety are the most common but threatening emotional factors that can lead to lower back pain. When stressed/anxious, your body releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones can cause muscle tension and tightness in the lower back. Moreover, stress can also cause you to adopt poor posture, leading to further strain on your lower back muscles.


Depression is real, and it’s a severe condition affecting millions worldwide. It causes physical symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, and chronic pain. However, many researchers have claimed that people with depression are more prone to lower back pain than those without this condition. The reason behind this link is not entirely apparent, but it’s thought that depression can cause changes in brain chemistry that affect pain perception.

Anger and Resentment

Anger and resentment are negative emotions that can cause tension in your body. For example, your muscles can become tight when angry, leading to lower back pain. Moreover, these emotions can also cause you to engage in behaviors that are not beneficial to your physical health, such as overeating, smoking, and avoiding exercise.

Fear and Trauma

Fear and trauma can cause physical symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, and chronic pain. When you experience trauma, your body releases stress hormones that lead to muscle tension and inflammation. This tension can manifest as lower back pain, primarily if the trauma is related to the lower back area.

The Mechanism Behind Emotions and Lower Back Pain

The connection between emotions and lower back pain has yet to be entirely understood. However, several mechanisms can explain how feelings can lead to physical pain. One possible explanation is that negative emotions can cause muscle tension and tightness, leading to discomfort and pain. Moreover, stress hormones can also cause inflammation, leading to further pain and discomfort.

Coping Strategies for Emotional Lower Back Pain

If you’re experiencing lower back pain due to emotional factors, several coping strategies can help you manage your symptoms. Some of these strategies include:

Yoga, Mindfulness, and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation reduce stress and Anxiety and minimize muscle tension and pain. These techniques involve bringing our focus back to the present moment and, eventually, letting go of negative thoughts and emotions. If you want to know more about yoga poses to beat lower back pain, check out the blog 10 Best Poses of Yoga For Back Pain Relief & Hip Stiffness

Emotional Release Techniques

Emotional-release techniques like massage therapy and acupuncture can help you release muscle tension and reduce pain. These techniques can also assist you in managing negative emotions and improve your well-being.

Exercise and Physical Therapy

Exercise and physical therapy help strengthen your muscles and improve your posture, reducing lower back pain. These activities can also assist you in managing stress and Anxiety and improve your mood.


Lower back pain can be complex with many causes, including emotional factors. Stress, Anxiety, depression, anger, and fear can all contribute to physical pain and discomfort. You can effectively develop healthy coping strategies for your symptoms by understanding the link between emotions and lower back pain. In addition, Mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral therapy, emotional release techniques, and exercise can help reduce your pain and improve your overall well-being.


Can emotional factors cause chronic lower back pain? Yes, emotional factors can contribute to chronic lower back pain, especially if left untreated.

How can I know if my lower back pain is due to emotional factors? If you have a history of stress, Anxiety, depression, or trauma and experience lower back pain, your emotional state may contribute to your symptoms.

Can exercise worsen lower back pain caused by emotional factors? Exercise can help you manage your lower back pain by improving muscle strength and posture. 

Can emotional release techniques help me manage my lower back pain? Yes, emotional release techniques, such as massage therapy and acupuncture, can assist you in releasing muscle tension and reduce pain. These techniques can also help you manage negative emotions and improve your well-being.

Can emotional factors cause lower back pain in children? Yes, emotional factors can contribute to lower back pain in children, especially if they experience stress or Anxiety. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider if your child is experiencing lower back pain to identify the underlying cause.


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