+91 9226681643 infoadvaityoga@gmail.com

Top 5 Best Yoga Teacher Training Schools in Thailand

Introduction Thailand has become one of the most sought-after destinations for Yoga Teacher Training (YTT), offering breathtaking landscapes, world-class instructors, and deeply immersive programs. Whether you’re looking for a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training, a...

5-Minute Yoga Routines for Absolute Beginners

Introduction Starting yoga doesn’t have to be overwhelming or time-consuming. If you’re new to yoga and struggling to find time in your busy schedule, a simple 5-minute yoga routine can help you build flexibility, relieve stress, and improve your overall well-being....

How to Use Yoga Blocks Straps and Bolsters

Introduction If you’re new to yoga, you may have noticed blocks, straps, and bolsters being used in class or online videos. But what exactly are these props for? Many beginners assume that yoga props are only for people who aren’t flexible or strong enough, but...